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We Are All The Tiny Fragments Of An Eggshell

Day 21/21

No, we aren't a mistake!

No, we aren't even accidental!

Yes, we all stink.

Yes, we all spread negativity.

We are cynical,

and we are delusional.

We might be as good and healthy as the inside of an egg,

Burning on somebody's flame, sacrificing our souls.

Yet, we retain something of the eggshell within us.

We do not just get half-fried.

The truth is when we cannot tolerate the heat,

we burst out.

We become vindictive

We react revenge.

We pose a disruption in the mouth of the person

taking his/her morsel,

and make them take out the whole of it

Until they are able to spot us,

hiding somewhere amidst their taken out, half-chewed soupcon.

We all reek!

Talking about kindness, yet spreading negativity

Planning not to be a mouth breather, yet we put on a show of all our imbecile feats.

We plan to move mountains

But end up placing them either on our shoulders or somebody else's.

We are those discarded tiny fragments of an eggshell which has this inherent desire of rising above while putting others down.

We all do it.

No point denying that.

Our alter-ego has smirked at least once thinking about this.

We are a bunch of megalomaniacs.

We all want to be stars.

No, I am not talking about the ones in the sky.

We are whimsical.

We appear white on the outside but we have a stygian desired festering somewhere in that pitch-black crypt.

We talk about humanity.

Yet, we do not want the unimpeachable egg within us to come out and discover the world.

We are selfish.

We just do not want to be crushed.

Yet, we expect others to handle us with care.

We stop the flow

As if it was something started by us in the first place.

But the day we will break open our cocoon,

our facade

is the day we wouldn't have to go back to it.

We will straight away head to the washroom, shower and

guess what?

We will not stink anymore:)

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