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Had There Been No Unicorns,The World Would Have Been Miserable!

Day 19/21

They say you need to have a point of view

Certainly, a unicorn has it!

It's the sharp tine on it that depicts that it's not your ordinary horse.

I would rather pay more attention to its fluff and dust bunnies,

Than calling it a legendary beast.

It's simple...

Had there been no unicorns, horses would have reigned supreme.

Had there been no unicorns, those wallpapers showing them drinking from a magical river at night wouldn't have been possible.

Had there been no unicorns, our fantasy's souls would have already been resting in peace.

I was about to say the Barbie movies but then I realized that there is still some difference between a Pegasus and a Unicorn,

Tapping at my grace and inner divinity,

the horn on your head gleams like a halo

I would rather drop the idea of having wings.

At least, I have legs to walk around.

Almost like an enchantment, your strength lies in your horn

and with that, all our source of imagination.

The fact that we both cannot fly

makes us a unicorn!

The fact that you protect all our dreams and lucid desires deep down in your indispensable horn is what makes you the guard of the threshold of both the worlds:

Our world: grief-stricken, Corona-impacted, and abysmal,

And the bounty of the supernatural world: intriguing, terrifying yet appealing.

You are what we see at night when we close our eyes.

You are those dreams that we see yet completely forget about upon opening our eyes.

You are that unrequited love

That is long lost, yet not completely out of mind.

You are rumored to exist in myths, at least.

But the possibility of seeing you in real is mind crunching, nerve-racking.

Like a ghost, you have hijacked our books and fantasies

You have turned the Greek mythology (my favorite subject out of all) upside down.

Sometimes, i feel it's simply a waste-of-time to even believe in you.

But you still haven't stopped believing in me.

Your horn is my sword

Protecting my inner dreams and desires

Which if allowed to surface would burn the world and lead almost to a modern-day Trojan war.

Burning it to ashes,

With no phoenix caring to rise from it anymore.

And whether you are out there or not,

I will still reach out to you at night

When you will be all alone,

drinking the water from the ephemeral river

and wandering about the woods

Searching for my lost sleep:)

Looking to fart rainbows and eat unicorns today? Click here!

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