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I Know You Try Hard. But Words Just Doesn't Come Out!

Day 20/21

It's strange how we have an extensive vocabulary,

the usage of which has at least about 10% of the potential to turn us all into eminent writers with a prolific background and a voluminous stock of words at our disposal but what about the remaining 90% that still depends on that piquant factor : EXPRESSION?

They say we are all writers.

We all have a writer hidden within us.

And if jiggled a bit, our body can shed some emotions, the articulation of which has the chanced of getting us at least an opportunity of a  book launch at the nearest book store if nothing more!

Let me ask,

Is it that easy?

Calibre is one thing,

Thought is different

If writing isn't accompanied by bleeding, it isn't even writing!

Now don't be stupid,

By bleeding I do not mean the blood in the literal sense or sitting down at a typewriter and bleeding like your Hemingway had quoted.

No, it's not even taking a jab at Hemingway in any way.

Again, I am not dissuading you from opening the notes on your phone and typing a line or two of your choice,.

I am not even discouraging you from taking you favorite pen to jot down something or the other in a fancy unicorn themed diary that you bought from Landmark right before the pandemic.

You can write as much as you want.

You can write on the sun, sky, moon, and flowers.

You can even write something on "yourself."

But the point is why do it forcefully?

They say in order to bleed, you need a flow;

A supplement; say a constant supply of raw materials.

If you're depending on mundane, set-topics and brainstorming so hard about what to write on,

You might as well not write that day

Have a banana and go to sleep.

Actually, don't have it. You might catch a cold if you eat it at night.

The truth is we all can write,

We can write in the plainest possible or the most ornate/ornamental language ever.

You can write with or without jargons.

You can write on yourself or your alter-ego.

But you cannot do all of the above,

If you are still putting pressure on your brain.

Let it flow effortlessly!

Sometimes, it's okay to not even prescribe a topic to your write-up.

Sometimes, it's okay to write about a clogged toilet or poop, to that matter of fact!

Express yourself even if it takes the most abominable, vomitous or vile recourse.

As long as it flows naturally, it's perfectly alright to even write about the warts on a tadpole.

If words are at your disposal,

Construct sentences out of it.

Make your own quotes

and forget about the technicalities.

Let it flow as naturally as your piss,

and once you are done, you will feel equally relieved.

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