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Magic Is Real.It's Just You Didn't Know That!

Day 18/21

Confetti, rabbits, hat and the magician moustache,

This is so mainstream!

This was exactly the kind that used to intrigue us in childhood,

sending us to a storybook world.

But little did we know about the psychokinesis or telekinesis then.

Still don't? Feel free to Google:)

Cutting their arm or any skin on the hand

Was a spectacle that left us all spell-bound!

Yes, it took us time to gulp it all down

and come to terms with such carnal and graphic butchery onstage.

It evoked both pity and fear.

But in the end, we dismissed that catharsis by saying "Ah! It was just an illusion."

Little did we know that there existed a plane where the magic was real

At least, taking of the sharp, serrated knife was real.

Things come. Yes, the downsides

and we depend on some kind of magic to heal us and bring us out of it.

Some of us find it classy to use the word 'pragmatic' instead of magic.

What if illusions had a teaspoon of realism mixed within that?

May be you are drinking that concoction every day before going to bed or starting your day.

May be you are still waiting for that rabbit to come out of its rabbit hole.

And if it does come out, you think it's a miracle.

You even do not consider the possibility of calling it a 'coincidence' anymore!

It's magic when things happen your way.

It's magic when somebody or something pulls you out of a bad situation.

It's magic when the wheel is in your favor!

It's magic if somebody reciprocates your love or accepts your proposal.

It's funny how we look at miserable things in life and prod ourselves to reconcile with reality and think practically.

It's funny that all the magic dissipates into the thin, polluted air around then.

It's funny that all the magic in our life at that time is only looked upon as a miracle.

We become so unreal!

Again, its funny that even for a moment, we think of those illusionary stage effects and tricks in a magic show as real

But we cannot perceive the real as magic.

It's simple,

The fusion of the Real and Unreal,

Fantasy and Imagination,

goes unnoticed by the small hole in the bag above our heads.

We all carry a bag-

plastic or paper

That's up to you!

So the next time when you laugh at the very mention of the word "magic,"

You are in a way laughing at the "real."

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