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Watching the World From a Window

Day 5/21

Today, I heard someone playing retro music in the apartment.

People are actually making some time for songs...It's strange that nostalgia can make us do almost everything. It can transport us to a world we have lived and at the same time, provide an escape from the not-so-cheerful present.

It's almost like a fraction of second in which the fluctuation happens, almost like standing on the threshold of past and present!

It's a delicate moment when you are reminiscing your' life before Corona.

'How every weekend was special!

How you would be going out for movies or simply spending time with folks doing nothing!

How you would be up and ready for all the night-outs and long drives!

How you would head to your nearest ice cream parlor to have that worth cherishing scoop of your favorite flavor. Where's the flavor?

Where's the fun?

Honestly, there's no fun hosting a house party online just to catch up with your friends!

Surely, quarantine has brought us closer...

But the personal and physical touch is lacking!

Amidst that,

the indifferent giant smirks at all this that's been going on!

You know, who am talking about!Is China or Universe to be blamed?

Guess the answer lies within us.

It's our pick!

And as you slowly transition from nostalgia to the present day world,

you realize everything is just the same.

Nothing has changed!

Corona is still there:)

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