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Time has Participated in a Marathon.

Day 15/21

No, time doesn't fly. It will run this time, at least in my piece. It's a huge marathon. Yes, a big deal and time has been preparing for it, every day, every hour and every minute. Time is sweating Time is taking a sip of water from its sipper and is getting dressed for work Work is to run, Run like nobody has done it before. Ever imagined that you set the alarm for 6 o clock and it's suddenly 8:30 when you wake up? You think you have to rush with time. But time is focused on its own mission Of running

Guess what? It doesn't care about winning or losing. It just cares about running and running because it knows ut can never be out of breath It knows that it can never fall or faint like us humans Yet, it's strange that its passage are highly likely to provide us humans with the same symptoms. We panick We are breathless We fall flat on the floor.. We faint. They say time is static and we flow. Let's prevent science from sucking the blood of our creativity and passions for a while; Forget all about your 'sense and sensibility.' Time isn't an illusion! Time is palpable. Yesterday only, I touched the hands of a wall clock to adjust the digits. No, I am not joking. While time can be static and physics needs to tweaked a bit more, this is not about physics at all! It's about time and it's race. It's about time preparing for a marathon and dragging us all into it.

Until we start feeling all the symptoms, Until we flow here and there in the cosmos- All this while being dragged by time towards the finish line with a rope around our necks It hurts, we cry! But time is ambitious. It has no patience. It is agile and sometimes even merciless. It doesn't stand even for a second or half of it to provide us with water or cookies along the way. It just drags and drags. It doesn't care whether you are willing to come with it or not, It carries on. And the saddest part it

that the finish line never comes and the marathon just goes on...

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