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Soon, we"ll be in Phase 3

Day 4/21

No, I don't want to scare you!

"Brace yourself for Phase 3," said I to my alter ego as I decided to learn a new skill today:"Cooking.

"Have always detested that. Yeah, your very yardstick of defining a girl and her talent based on her cooking skills:)

But I could successfully make a dish and guess what? Everybody just loved that! Thankfully, it didn't get tossed in the kitchen wastebin. I do have Survivor skills

Today, we made the French toast too for breakfast.

The sprinkling of cinnamon took me back to a weird thought,

"What if it would have been a normal weekend?"

"What if I wasn't quarantined and cooking?"

"What if life was normal and we would have been cooking out of happiness?"

They say the number one rule of cooking is,

"Never do it without passion!"

Do it more out of passion than precision.

But my pragmatic need prevailed over the child-like curiosity.These mundane and bizzare thoughts is what feeds the universe.

It feeds on us, on our thoughts and even on those thoughts which we prefer to kill or shake-off midway!

It feeds on us with an intensity larger and greater than even a Rafflesia (feel free to Google that).And with every morsel of French toast making its way to my stomach,

I still felt empty, giving a morsel of myself to the universe to feast on:)

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