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It's Okay to Be a Bit Like Peanut Butter

Day 14/21

It's like getting into that Nutella zone,

and coming out of it with

chocolate all over you.

Sometimes, we ignore a jar of Peanut Butter

We have other plans.

We have preferences.

Ever looked at a jar of Peanut Butter and contemplated what it's all about.

No, I am not talking about the ingredients

I am talking the essence of its components, it's constituents

A perfect fusion of good and bad fats

It's all about that

How you take this ratio and what prevails over what is what you got to focus on.

While one group maintains that it's good for those you want to gain,

another group refutes by saying that it's not really good for a long-term weight gain plan.

Well, let this slip too

Forget that we even spoke about this entire "Weight" part.

With 2 types of Peanut Butter available in the market,

Both chunky and smooth,

You can literally buy preferences home and fold it into a paper plane or rocket 

which might just have a safe landing on your cushiony bread.

You might just be a fan of both the types!

You Never Know!

Ever imagined that the very characteristics of the two types of Peanut butter and their assimilation

Can just be your own constitution?

The very you- a mixture (though imperfect) of both the good and bad, smooth and chunky or light and dark (ness).

Binaries are love. Move on!

I know, I know that's it's uber imbecilic to even compare yourself with Peanut Butter in this whole wide world.

As if, there is no other alluring metaphor to be used when it comes to drawing parallels.

But it's strange how an ounce of butter can teach you so much about life and human nature

So the next time, someone uses 'peanut butter,' to call you out or to demean you,

accept the tag gracefully and be proud to own it.

Nutella might be tastier as a spread with all its hazelnut and cocoa charm,

But what bloooms for a while is also prone to fading away.

I hope you be peanut butter everyday of your life,

Contributing the fuller you to the world

With both your usualness and idiosyncrasies, 

quips and naivety, love and hatred, romance and realism,  along with your

tears and gashes

love and life

and remember to top it all with a bit of awkwardness at the end:)

This post looks even better on Instagram with all the Gifs and illustrations of new kind.

Don't believe? Check this out!

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