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It Rained Here Today. Helped Me Preserve My Sanity

Day 13/21

It's mystifying to visualize a few drops of rain

dragging you back to your life before COVID-19:

Unanticipated thunder

and the scathing downpour.

People are wrong when they say you can sleep in this weather.

I would be mad enough to wake myself and others up to witness this revivify saga

of water droplets moistening everything coming in contact with almost everything including the unripe mangoes which we had planned to pluck this afternoon.

Suddenly, a downpour transports you to a land where nobody knows about this virus.

Where you are stuck indoors just because it's a normal rainy day.

Children are happy because there are no schools

Everybody is making the most of it with a cup of coffee or

in my case, creating visuals for a WebChat blog post while listening to Chris Isaak's legendary track 'Wicked Game.'

As if, rain is almost your emotional pick-me-up,





With every drop washing away the stuff unwanted,

almost like sanitizing the whole city?

Well, here presenting to you the natural sanitizer then.

So, while the world fights over the toilet paper, masks and sanitizers,

The Universe still continues to send a signal

May be, it's not totally apathetic

May be, it still has us in its clutches but at the same time, training us to be stronger in life,

Just the way your parents encouraged you in childhood to get up after having bruised your knee.

While we still feel weak in the knees thinking about the surging stats and the imaginary aftermath of the crisis,

think of whatever power you believe in,

asking it to not just dispel the darkness

but wash it off completely with the droplets that will be every ready to carry this burden

and dump it somewhere, into The Oblivion

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