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Both Your Hands Are Important. Props to Them

Day 12/21

It's funny how as righties/lefties we sometimes ignore the value of the other hand.

"Do not eat with that!"

"Do not use it to receive or give anything."

Uh! Bad manners, etc.

Nourishing such beliefs negates one underlying fact-

the significance of every organ in the body.

It's true that one hand is dominant.

It's good to stick to manners,

I mean, we all should.

But when things go awry,

Ever imagined how your non-dominant hand comes into the play.

and does, even if at a slow-pace, those things which your predominant hand can do?

Suddenly, when your dominant pal is injured or burnt,

it's less-dominant counterpart compensates on its behalf.

Your work doesn't stop, remember that!

I mean it's stupid to even write about the dominant and submissive hands,

But how many times do we stop to observe that?

Actually, we do!

But instead of an observation, we are too swamped with regretting the ordeal that our dominant one went through.

We try!

Try our best to come to terms with that.

I wish there was some sort of a training enabling us to make the other one better or at least improve its efficiency

May be there is...

It's funny how you can sometimes try carrom and pot maximum coins even with your non-dominant hand,

May be it's a fluke; or a coincidence!

But harping on being able to achieve something extraordinary, even on a teensy-weensy level never really goes out of fashion

So the next time you're busy grieving over the loss of the temporary contusion,

First, grieve!

Second, focus on training your non-dominant hand

And finally, try playing a carrom match:)

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