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Allow a Truer You

Day 8/21

Ever thought of rewiring yourself and your beliefs during the holy furlough?

Who are you?

What are you?

What work do you do?

Who do you work for?

How much sugar do you put in your coffee?

How do you fold your clothes?

Ever tried to reassess the raw, banal you? These challenges and being productive is a trap. Don' fall for that! Just do what it takes to retain your sanity. Surely, none of us were prepared to experience the time when our perfunctory routine would confine us to the four walls!

Let's not be productive.

Let's just restructure ourselves.

Let's just allow a truer you.

Let's just audit the weaker points and identify the need to put sugar in coffee or writing a line or two just to preserve sanity.It's about pausing everything for a while as if you are in the middle of a video game and seeing the world from a new perspective.

Universe might be indifferent but let's start from scratch.

Let's imagine that we were all born just yesterday

and now we are ready to embark on a journey of self-recognition.Accept only those challenges which you can passionately complete.

Take some time out for yourself.

The hell with productivity cycle!

Let it not bog you down and bind you in those adamantine chains.

If watering your plants or putting butter on your bread helps you retain your sanity,

embrace that!

And with this,

Develop a new freedom for yourself.

Give birth to your own self.

It doesn't have to be a "new" you

It just has to be a "true" you.

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